Wednesday, December 18, 2013

More Photos of the Life of Violet "Jo" Ann Billedo Schremp

Here are some pictures that the family wanted to share with you.

1956 - JoAnn Billedo

1957 - JoAnn Billedo

JoAnn with Clyde William Schremp (above)

(Above picture left to right)  Violet and Roy Billedo, JoAnn, Lynn, and Pat.  Janice must be taking the picture?

And, no, she didn't play the guitar!

Jo also did not wear glasses at this time.

Janice and JoAnn Billedo.

 JoAnn Billedo and Clyde Schremp

1959 - Wedding News and Pictures

Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Schremp
(Jo's sister Jan was the Maid of Honor)

1961 - JoAnn Schremp

1963 - Expanding... 

Clyde & JoAnn
with daughters
Patti Jo and Pam

1991 Clyde and JoAnn

1995 at Space Center Houston

1995 Clyde & Jo


1999 in Alaska.

2003, Jo during her chemo treatment.

2004.  On a cruise after all the treatments were over.

2008 - Clyde and Jo


2009 at 50th Anniversary Party, and what a party it was!

Valentines 2012

January 2013

2013 - Patti, Clyde, Pam, Jo.

2013 Cruise to Mexico.

For you that knew Jo, we hope that you have enjoyed taking this walk down memory lane with us.  Feel free to leave us comments below.


  1. Beautiful Photos, what a wonderful pictoral history!

  2. I never met her, but I enjoyed the photos. What a great story they tell.

  3. Just beautiful, what an amazing tribute to a beautiful lady. And those wedding gowns... wow! xx
